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How to manage users on the team members page

You can invite, deactivate, and change user roles on your account's Team members page.

Accessing the Team members page

To access the Team members page, click your team's name to toggle the dropdown menu. Select Team settings.


Active, Invited, and Deactivated Users

There are 3 tabs on the Team members page, based on the status of the users:


Active users

This tab shows all the users who are currently active in your account. Keep in mind that the users listed in this tab count towards your overall paid user count (which can impact your monthly or quarterly user charge).


Invited users

This shows all users who have been invited but have not yet accepted the invitation or logged in. This is useful if you want to check which users have yet to complete the invite process. These users do not count toward your overall paid user count yet.

Deactivated users

The Deactivated tab lists all users who have been removed from your account. They can be reactivated or edited, but do not count toward your paid user count.

Sorting users 

Find users quickly using the sorting feature. Click any of the column headers, and the list will sort according to your choice.


Sorting does not permanently reorder your users. For example, if you sort your users by Email, the list will go back to the default Name sorting when you refresh the page. 

Last Active column

If you want to make sure you're not being charged for any inactive users, use the Last Active column to see who should potentially be deactivated.


 Here is a list of activities that determine a user's Last Active metric: 

  • logging in 
  • viewing a page  
  • interacting with Slackbot  
  • editing a page 

Viewing Team Home or a category do not update the user's Last Active status.

User Type

The last column shows the user's type, and this is where you can change their user type. See more about user types in our Users and Permissions Overview.


If you don't want the name of a deactivated user to display in Tettra on any pages, comments, or other content they owned, you can modify the deactivated user's profile.