Billing Permissions
Three types of users potentially have the ability to update your billing information. Each type has unique access: Admins, Editors with billing access, and the person whose billing email is on file with Stripe.
The Admins
All admins will have access to billing features.
The Editors
Editors by default do not have access to billing details. However, the first the first user that adds a card and creates a subscription is given special permissions to edit billing, while remaining in the Editor user role. They now have additional permissions to edit billing information.
The Billing Email
Most likely, the billing email we have on record for your account is an admin. However, sometimes teams choose a billing email that is not a Tettra user (for example, finance@yourbiz...). This user can reach out to us to discuss billing for your account.
Changing the billing email
To change the billing email, go to Team Settings / Billing. Here's a guide.