How to pin pages to the Team Home bulletin board
You can pin important pages to your Team Home for easy access in just two steps.
This option is only available to Tettra Admins.
From Team Home
Step 1
Navigate to your Team Home and hover your cursor over an empty space in the Team Home, so that the gray + button appears.

Note: if you have no pinned items in the Team bulletin board, the + button will not be available. Add from the page instead (see From a page below).
Step 2
Click the gray + button and you'll see a "Select" box.

Click in the Select box and type a keyword or search for your content.

Choose the content and click Pin.

Your content will be visible to anyone on your team who has permissions to view that content.

From a Page
Step 1
Click the kebab menu on the upper right side of any published page, and select Pin to bulletin board.

Step 2
Go to your Team bulletin board by clicking Team Home on the left sidebar. You should see your newly-pinned article on the list.