Documents: Adding PDFs to Tettra
The knowledge content inside Tettra categories include Pages, Questions, Links, and more - and now Documents!
You can add any PDF instantly to Tettra, and its title and content will be searchable.
Uploading a PDF
1. Click the purple + button on the top right of Tettra, and then choose Add a document.

2. Drag a .pdf file to the popup window or click on it to select a file from your computer's files.

3. Edit the file name and choose a category for the PDF.

4. Find your PDF document in the category you've chosen!

Renaming your PDF
The PDF will be added to Tettra with its file name, but you can change it - give it a new name by clicking the three dots on its right and then typing in a new name.

Similarly, you can move the PDF to another category or subcategory. Do this one at a time by clicking on those three dots, or in bulk by choosing a new category.

When you pin a resource to a category, it will always appear at the top of the category list. To pin a PDF, click on those three dots again and choose Pin to category.

When you're finished with a PDF, send it to your Archive with those same three dots, selecting Archive.