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Tettra Help Docs

How does the GitHub integration work

The GitHub integration allows you to search and embed GitHub issues to your Tettra pages.

Search and embed issues

Within a Tettra page, type # (shift + 3) and then begin typing the name of the GitHub issue you want to reference. Tettra will search within GitHub (both titles and content) and present related issues so you can select the one you want. 



When you, or someone on your team, looks at that Tettra page, they'll see the GitHub issue embedded. We automatically pull in the latest changes, so the embedded link will always be up-to-date.

The icon will be green if the issue is open and red if it's closed.



Click or hover over the issues 

  • If you click on an issue title, it will take you to that particular issue in a new tab. 
  • If you hover over the embedded issue, you’ll be able to see meta information like labels, timestamps, and the number of comments on the issue.

