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Tettra Help Docs

Daily and weekly digest email

Tettra can send daily and weekly digest email notifications to keep you up to date on the exciting happenings in your team's Tettra account.

Content in an invite-only category will only appear to users who are members of that category.

In addition to real-time Slack notifications about your team's Tettra account, you'll also receive email notifications about Tettra activities. We batch general activity into daily and weekly email digests while also sending direct emails about updates that are specific to you.

The daily or weekly digest will tell you about reactions to and viewers of pages you own, as well as any comments or edits for those pages. It will also list a few of your team's open page requests to help make sure they are responded to sooner rather than later.

  • The daily digest will notify you of any updates within the last day up until time of send. 
  • The weekly digest functions the same, but contains information for the entire week.

