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Tettra Help Docs

Troubleshooting duplicate accounts

You may run into an issue where new users accidentally create a new account for your team when trying to sign into your existing one. Since duplicate accounts can interfere with your integrations and can confuse your readers, it's important to address this as soon as you find out. As always, feel free to reach out to support if you suspect you're running into this issue. 

 Tettra only allows you to connect one Slack and/or Google Workspace per account. 


These are the most common ways you can tell if a duplicate account has been created:

  1. If you try to connect a Slack or Google Workspace account and receive a message like "Workspace is already connected to another Tettra account.
  2. If a teammate reports not seeing the same content in their account as you do.
  3. If the URL on a page your teammate is viewing shows a different team name than your own

How to fix

Troubleshoot with your Tettra admin

  1. Confirm with your admins that you shouldn't have more than one account. If that's the case, move onto the next step. 
  2. Find out who the admin on the duplicate account is. You can view this on your Team Members page in the duplicate account. If you or your teammates can't find this information, please reach out to Support.  
  3. If you know who the admin on the duplicate is, ask them to sign in, navigate to the Team Settings page, and delete the account. This will reduce confusion for your team and allow you to set up the correct integrations in your original account.

 Deleting the account will remove all content, data, and integrations.

Enable SAML Single Sign-On

SAML Single Sign-On allows you to connect multiple domains to one Tettra account and will also automatically route anyone from that domain to the correct account. This feature is on our Professional plan
